Monday, March 22, 2010

Random thoughts on the week's news

Anti-Obama/Tea Party/Right wing nutcases argue that the health care legislation that passed last night is unconstitutional because it would force people to buy a health insurance under "threat of financial punishment."

-Where were these people when Congress passed a law that requires everyone to either buy a digital TV or buy a digital converter box for their analog TVs?

-Are these the same people who are upset that they are required, under penalty of law, to send their children to school?

-I am curious if these are the same people who are upset that they have to purchase clothing if they want to walk about in public.

And indeed, you are not required to purchase anything. If you choose not to purchase health insurance (or take advantage of the subsidies available to you), then you can pay a fee into the health system that must make itself available, as required by law, when you end up in the emergency room.

You call it punishment. I call it contributing to the system.

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